September 29, 2016 | Audiology Services of Chattanooga | Hearing Aids News
As hearing care professionals, there’s one particular style of hearing aid that we all get worried about. It’s detrimental for the patient, and it can deter others from even making an attempt to give hearing aids a chance. They’re better-known as “in-the-drawer” hearing aids. Compared with behind-the-ear or in-the-canal hearing aids, in-the-drawer hearing aids never […]
September 8, 2016 | Audiology Services of Chattanooga | Hearing Aids News
Have you ever had problems hearing in a crowded room or restaurant but can hear just fine at home? Do you have particular challenges hearing higher-pitched voices or TV dialogue? If yes, you may have hearing loss, and hearing aids might be able to help you. But how exactly do hearing aids work? Are they […]
March 24, 2016 | Audiology Services of Chattanooga | Hearing Aids News
Technology evolves fast: in 2005, the typical 40-inch flat screen TV would have cost you more than $1,500. Now, 10 years later, you can find a 40-inch flat screen TV for less than $230. The same has occurred with hearing aids, even though it’s more likely to escape our attention. We take note that TVs […]
March 3, 2016 | Audiology Services of Chattanooga | Hearing Aids News
Congratulations on taking the first step toward better hearing by booking your hearing assessment. You’re already ahead of the game, as most people delay having their hearing tested for years—in some cases decades. But now that you’ve booked your hearing test, you’ll want to make sure you’re well prepared for the appointment, especially if test […]
February 25, 2016 | Audiology Services of Chattanooga | Hearing Aids News
Photo credit: flickr Saad Faruque Twentieth century neuroscience has uncovered something truly astonishing: namely that your brain can change itself well into adulthood. While in the early 1900s it was thought that the brain ceased changing in adolescence, we now know that the brain reacts to change all throughout life. Neuroplasticity To appreciate how your […]
February 11, 2016 | Audiology Services of Chattanooga | Hearing Aids News
Congratulations—you’re ready to join the millions of Americans who have discovered how using hearing aids can make life much more enjoyable and rewarding. Shortly, you’ll be hearing sounds you’ve long forgotten about, participating in stimulating conversations, and listening to music with improved discernment for each instrument. But before you get to all that, you’ll have […]
December 3, 2015 | Audiology Services of Chattanooga | Hearing Aids News
To help keep your hearing aids functioning properly for years to come, you need to learn about proper care and maintenance. And although it may feel like an additional burden, with the right process your hearing aid care will become effortless and automatic. The trick is building effective habits. If you incorporate your hearing aid […]