May 14, 2015 | Audiology Services of Chattanooga | Hearing Aids News
When it’s time to buy a car, the majority of us know exactly what to do. We do some research, assess options, and compose a list of questions to ask the dealership. We do this so that by the time we’re ready to head to the dealership, we have an idea of what we’re looking […]
You’ve more than likely heard that today’s hearing aids are “not your grandfather’s hearing aids,” or that hearing aid technology is light-years ahead of where it used to be, even as recently as 5 to 10 years ago. But what makes today’s technologies so much better? And what exactly can modern hearing aids accomplish that […]
April 26, 2015 | Audiology Services of Chattanooga | Hearing Aids News
At times, it seems like we love to mislead ourselves. Wikipedia has an article named “List of common misconceptions” that includes hundreds of universally-held but false beliefs. Yes, I understand it’s Wikipedia, but take a look at the bottom of the webpage and you’ll notice approximately 385 references to credible sources. For instance, did you […]
February 14, 2015 | Audiology Services of Chattanooga | Hearing Aids News
Hearing aids weren’t always so successful. They went through many versions which posed limitations on the user. From the ear trumpet to vacuum tube devices, technology has advanced throughout the last two centuries. Now they even have the ability to connect to Bluetooth and filter out distracting background noise. Let’s take a look at a […]
February 5, 2015 | Audiology Services of Chattanooga | Hearing Aids News
There’s a lot of ground to cover when it comes to hearing aids. In fact, the history spans about 200 years of advancements, made possible by technology stemming from concerned scientists who had a hearing impaired loved one in their life. One example is Alexander Graham Bell, who was the son of a woman with […]
January 14, 2015 | Audiology Services of Chattanooga | Hearing Aids News
The programming of a hearing aid is only recommended by a professional audiologist. This is because there are many different factors that are involved, which we will discuss here. You wouldn’t wear generic lenses in your frames, right? So why would you use a hearing aid that hasn’t been programmed to your hearing loss needs? […]
December 27, 2014 | Audiology Services of Chattanooga | Hearing Aids News
Who knew cell phones and smart phones could work in tandem with hearing aids? Cell phones and smart phones, already a huge benefit in their own right in terms of communication in everyday life, are becoming even more helpful in regards to the hearing impaired community. The growing technology of cell and smart phones are […]
December 20, 2014 | Audiology Services of Chattanooga | Hearing Aids News
You may have assumed all hearing impaired people qualified for a traditional hearing aid but this isn’t entirely true. In fact, some people have such a severe hearing issue that they must use an electric cochlear implant, which involves surgically implanted components in under the skin on the skull. This is becoming a popular option […]
December 13, 2014 | Audiology Services of Chattanooga | Hearing Aids News
At the heart of digital hearing aids is optimum flexibility. They also lend a certain versatility, allowing hearing impaired individuals to take advantage of innovative wireless technology and microelectronics. You may not realize it, but digital hearing aids have only been around for about 15 years. Before that, analog hearing aids were at the top […]
November 29, 2014 | Audiology Services of Chattanooga | Hearing Aids News
There are millions of people who develop some form of hearing deficiency every year because of loud environments at work or in a combat role. That is why there has been an increased emphasis on using devices that are meant to reduce the overall impact that loud sounds have on workers around the world. One […]