There are many different reasons that people choose to clean their ears. Some do it for comfort while others do it out of a compulsion. All it takes is a finger or some paper towels and people will find a way to begin clearing out ear wax. However, the only safe way to have ear […]
If you were to ask, most people would say that they receive a large sense of fulfillment from their jobs. They like the challenge and the ability to help those around them. There are some inherent dangers that can occur in a workplace though. One of the most frequently occurring forms of injury is to […]
Most people have some idea of the concept behind service animals for people who suffer from blindness. However, this idea has recently been adapted for helping people with hearing loss. All different breeds of dogs are being examined for their ability to act as hearing dogs. These dogs are able to be trained to assist […]
One of the parts of your health that you may not be aware of is the connection between your healthy body and good hearing. There have been studies completed that have found results between conditions in one part of the body influencing your hearing in other parts of your body. Some of these negative effects […]
Summer is one of the best times of the year for getting together with your family and enjoying all of the best that the season has to offer. From sporting events to celebrations, there are a variety of ways to have fun. However, there are common summer sounds that cause hearing loss in the population. […]
It’s commonly known that with old age, a decline in hearing occurs. However, there are more reasons than ever why you should protect your hearing as you get on in years. There are definitely health benefits related to hearing well, but new evidence has come to light that shows that your hearing works in conjunction […]
The medical community has expressed a great deal of interest in the chronic effects that can be induced by medicine. For this reason, there is no shortage of studies that are being undertaken to study the long effects of medicine on hearing. This form of hearing loss is referred to as Ototoxicity, which has been […]
There are now fewer limitations imposed upon people who suffer from hearing loss than ever before. While it was once difficult to find places that were able to accommodate people who are deaf or have hearing loss, more hotels and businesses are taking a proactive approach to welcoming these individuals in every way possible. With […]
Hearing loss may seem like a part of aging, but it does not have to be. Approximately thirty six million adults suffer from some degree of hearing loss according to the National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders. Some loss of hearing can be expected as we age, but a single exposure to a […]