One topic that is rarely mentioned with regards to hearing loss is how to keep people who have it safe inside their own homes. For example, imagine that a fire starts in your home; if you are like most people you have smoke detectors to sound a warning so that you and your loved ones […]
Hearing loss comes in many forms – it might develop gradually (for example, as the result of aging) or all of a sudden (as the result of an injury or trauma). The hearing loss itself can be temporary or permanent, and may vary from mild (having difficulty understanding casual conversation) to severe (complete deafness). A […]
An estimated 20% of all Americans have some level of hearing loss, however, there is one portion of the population in which that number is notably higher – veterans, particularly those who’ve served in foreign combat zones. Hearing loss and tinnitus have become the most prevalent service-related disabilities among soldiers who served in Afghanistan and […]
Based on statistics from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), out of every 1,000 children in the US, 2 to 3 are born deaf or with impaired hearing. Children may suffer hearing loss because of congenital factors, as the result of a middle ear infection known as otitis media, or it may be triggered by […]
Hearing is important to almost all living creatures; although scientists have found several species of blind amphibians, fishes, mammals, and reptiles, no deaf vertebrate species have ever been discovered. However, it doesn’t take ears to hear. Sounds waves – vibrations in the air – can be detected in a variety of ways. Vertebrates have ears. […]
A common question from patients pertains to the ability to hear in crowded rooms. When they are talking to people one-on-one, or in small groups of people there is no problem, and they seem to hear just fine. But when they find themselves in a large crowd they often find it very difficult to understand […]
This is one of the questions we are asked most often. If you are concerned that you are experiencing some hearing loss, you are not alone, because the hearing of over 22 million Americans has become somewhat impaired, and 10 million of them have suffered hearing loss (which is defined as being unable to hear […]
In addition to all of them being musicians, what do Eric Clapton, Phil Collins, Pete Townshend and Brian Wilson have in common? All of these musicians experienced – as a result of playing the music they love – permanent hearing loss. I often work with musicians who have experienced hearing damage as a result of […]
In almost every bathroom medicine cabinet or vanity drawer you can cotton swabs. These are great products for many grooming purposes, but contrary to popular belief removing earwax is not one of them. This could be very harmful for your ears. The body produces earwax because it needs it to keep ears healthy. It provides […]
Siemens offers quite an array of digital hearing aids in numerous sizes to help accommodate everyone. The Artis and Cielo models of the open ear variety offer users a digital experience without having to worry about breaking the bank. All of these models offer digital noise reduction technology along with phase cancellation to help eliminate […]