Books-on-tape was what we used to call them, once upon a time. Naturally, that was well before CDs, not to mention digital streaming. These days, they have a much better name; audiobooks. With an audiobook, you can listen to the book being read by a narrator. It’s kind of like having someone read a book […]
Have you ever had your vehicle break down in the middle of the highway? That really stinks! You have to pull your car off the road. Then you probably pop your hood and have a look at the engine. Who knows why? What’s funny is that you do this even if you have no clue […]
It’s something a lot of individuals suffer with, but most don’t want to talk about – hearing loss and its impact on personal relationships. Hearing loss can create communication hurdles that lead to misunderstandings and aggravation for both partners. With Valentine’s Day just around the corner isn’t it a great time to express your love […]
Have you ever purchased one of those “one size fits all” t-shirts only to be dismayed (and surprised) when the shirt doesn’t, in fact, fit as advertised? It’s sort of a bummer, right? The reality is that there’s pretty much nothing in the world that is truly a “one size fits all”. That’s not only […]
Are you forgetting something? It’s not your imagination. Remembering everyday things is getting more and more difficult. Memory loss seems to progress fairly quickly once it’s detected. It becomes more incapacitating the more aware of it you become. Did you know memory loss is connected to hearing loss? If you think that this is simply […]
If you or somebody you know has mild hearing loss, it is important that you educate yourself about it as much as you can. Armed with accurate information, you can steer clear of making bad choices and will be better able to cope with your condition. When you’re coping with hearing loss, disregard the following […]
New cures are always being discovered. That can be a good thing and a bad thing. For instance, you may look at promising new research in the area of curing hearing loss and you figure you don’t really have to be all that cautious. By the time you begin exhibiting symptoms of hearing loss, you […]
You might develop hearing loss as you get older, especially if you frequently expose yourself to loud noise. Similarly, if you work on a noisy factory floor and don’t wear hearing protection, hearing loss may be in your future. These hearing loss causes are fairly common. But there’s a new kid on the block, and […]