To state that hearing loss is common is a bit of an understatement. In the United States, 48 million people report some amount of hearing loss. Meaning, on average, for every five people you encounter, one will have hearing loss. And at the age of 65, it’s one out of three. With odds like that, […]
What’s your favorite song? Without knowing you, it would be almost impossible for me to guess, due to the large number and range of music styles. But it would be safe for me to assume that your favorite song probably brings about a strong emotional reaction. When people describe their favorite music, they tend to […]
Of the 48 million Americans that report some extent of hearing loss, 60 percent are currently in the labor force. Which means millions of Americans head out to work each day with less than optimal hearing. We know that hearing loss adversely affects general physical, social, and mental health, but what about the financial effects? […]
While considering the several factors that go into your career choice, we bet that your long-run hearing health is fairly low on the priority list—if it’s there at all. We understand. And even though we don’t really think that your ability to hear in the future should dictate your career choice, we do think you […]
Our ears may possibly be our most mistreated body part. We pierce them, subject them to deafening noise, stuff cotton swabs inside them, and burn them with ear candling. In spite of providing us with one of our most essential senses, we never give our ears, or our hearing, much appreciation or consideration. That is, […]
If you have hearing loss, you would think it would be obvious, right? Well, that’s exactly the issue; most people assume it would. Unfortunately, although severe or abrupt hearing loss is easy to identify, mild to moderate gradual hearing loss can be too subtle to notice. That’s the reason why, on average, people will wait […]
Researchers are looking at ways to apply new signal processing strategies to the design of hearing aids. Signal processing is the method used to modify normal sound waves into amplified sound that is the best possible match to the remaining hearing for a hearing aid user. NIDCD-funded researchers also are studying how hearing aids can […]
Discover how to clear the way for better hearing. Hearing begins when soundwaves enter the outer ear (the visible portion of the ear located on the outside of the head) and are channeled down the auditory canal, a tube-like passageway lined with tiny hairs and small glands that produce ear wax. […]
Whether you wear hearing instruments, are just acquiring devices, or simply wish to improve your listening skills, LACE – Listening and Communication Enhancement – training will help you get the most out of the sounds of life. Because it is a computerized, internet-based program, we can track your results and discuss them with you. […]
“Now I wake up each morning to the sound of birds” A cochlear implant is a small, complex electronic device that can help to provide a sense of sound to a person who is profoundly deaf or severely hard-of-hearing. The implant consists of an external portion that sits behind the ear and a second portion that […]