The effects of hearing loss appear obvious, including the frustration of the continuous battle to hear and the impact this can have on relationships. But what if the consequences went deeper, and could actually influence your personality? Research from the University of Gothenburg indicates that this may be the case. The researchers studied 400 men […]
Communication in the presence of hearing loss can be trying—for both parties. For those with hearing loss, partial hearing can be upsetting and exhausting, and for their conversation companions, the frequent repeating can be equally taxing. However, the difficulty can be lessened as long as both parties take responsibility for effective communication. Since communication is […]
Have you ever suffered substantial mental exhaustion? Perhaps you felt this way after finishing the SAT examination, or after concluding any test or activity that mandated intense attentiveness. It’s like running a marathon in your head—and when you’re done, you just want to collapse. A similar experience comes about in those with hearing loss, and […]
In 2013, Johns Hopkins University researcher and epidemiologist Dr. Frank Lin directed a study which was the first to analyze the possible impact of hearing loss on mental performance. Volunteers with hearing loss took repeated cognitive examinations, used to assess memory and thinking skills, over the length of six years. Hearing tests were also carried […]