2 While nearly everyone aspires to better health, it’s not a secret that most health-related New Year’s resolutions are unsuccessful. We have the tendency to create resolutions that are too difficult or too complex—all in the name of achieving quick, extreme results. But rather than trying for the quick fix, the new year is an […]
Quick question: how many people in the US are afflicted with some form of hearing loss? What was your answer? I’m ready to bet, if I had to guess, that it was well short of the correct answer of 48 million people. Let’s take a shot at one more. How many individuals in the US […]
With one out of every five individuals in the United States struggling with some degree of hearing loss, there’s a good chance you know at the least one individual who has some trouble hearing. And considering the potent connections between healthy hearing and physical, emotional, and social well-being, the holiday season is the perfect opportunity […]
In the course of the year, we’ve sought after and shared amazing stories about people conquering hearing loss to our Facebook page. These inspirational stories remind us of what human determination and persistence can accomplish—even in the face of overwhelming challenges and obstacles. Of the myriad stories we’ve come across, here are our top picks […]
December 3, 2015 | Audiology Services of Chattanooga | Hearing Aids News
To help keep your hearing aids functioning properly for years to come, you need to learn about proper care and maintenance. And although it may feel like an additional burden, with the right process your hearing aid care will become effortless and automatic. The trick is building effective habits. If you incorporate your hearing aid […]
November 26, 2015 | Audiology Services of Chattanooga | Hearing Aids News
Modern breakthroughs in technology assure that your hearing loss can be effectively treated with the appropriate hearing aid model. The problem is finding the right one. With all of the hearing aid models to choose from, it can be quite overwhelming. But by considering four factors—along with help from a highly skilled hearing care professional—you […]
November 19, 2015 | Audiology Services of Chattanooga | Hearing Aids News
Communication is reliably reported as one of the most—if not the most—crucial factors to strengthening and maintaining healthy relationships. According to the PBS program The Emotional Life: “How couples behave when solving problems together or arguing can predict the character and success of their relationship. A raised eyebrow, a hand on the arm, or a […]
November 12, 2015 | Audiology Services of Chattanooga | Hearing Aids News
Living with hearing loss throughout the holiday season can be especially challenging. While you may actually prefer to NOT hear some of your relatives, the discussions you do want to indulge in can be stressful. And because most large holiday gatherings tend to be loud, it can be close to impossible to concentrate on any […]
November 5, 2015 | Audiology Services of Chattanooga | Hearing Aids News
Are two hearing aids better than one? If you’re looking for the quick answer, then yes, the majority of cases of hearing loss are most effectively managed with two hearing aids. If you want to learn why, or are wondering about the reasons why we have two ears to begin with, then continue reading. The […]
Presuming that you have hearing loss, what’s most likely to make you happy? A) Winning the lottery, or B) Purchasing a new set of hearing aids It may appear clear to you that the answer is A, but research on happiness tells a very different story. To start with, people do have a tendency to […]