Hearing impairment is treacherously sneaky. It creeps up on an individual through the years so gradually you scarcely detect it, making it easy to deny or ignore. And then, when you at last recognize the signs and symptoms, you shrug it off as inconvenient and irritating due to the fact that its true effects are […]
Rock shows are crazy loud, and prolonged exposure to this noise, however enjoyable, can pose a big threat to the ears – particularly when it involves continued unprotected exposure. This can cause some considerable harm, which several current musicians know all too well. Chris Martin, the lead vocalist for the band Coldplay, has dealt with […]
Just because you work in a loud, noisy environment, you don’t have to accept hearing loss as part and parcel of the job. Just custom fitted for ear plugs that meet your specific needs. In fact, here are four reasons why custom-fit ear plugs are better than ones from the corner store: 1. Preservation of […]
February 14, 2015 | Audiology Services of Chattanooga | Hearing Aids News
Hearing aids weren’t always so successful. They went through many versions which posed limitations on the user. From the ear trumpet to vacuum tube devices, technology has advanced throughout the last two centuries. Now they even have the ability to connect to Bluetooth and filter out distracting background noise. Let’s take a look at a […]
February 5, 2015 | Audiology Services of Chattanooga | Hearing Aids News
There’s a lot of ground to cover when it comes to hearing aids. In fact, the history spans about 200 years of advancements, made possible by technology stemming from concerned scientists who had a hearing impaired loved one in their life. One example is Alexander Graham Bell, who was the son of a woman with […]
Turns out, many of the common pain relievers you use to combat muscle aches and pains, as well as headaches, can be to blame for your hearing loss. While it’s been known for some time that old age and prolonged noise exposure can harm your hearing, now it’s been established that ibuprofen can too. You […]
The holiday season is upon us again, giving many the opportunity to come together to have a great time with one another. Sadly, this comes with complications for people who have hearing loss or impairment. We will take a closer look at the ways that hearing loss can make an otherwise happy occasion into a […]
January 14, 2015 | Audiology Services of Chattanooga | Hearing Aids News
The programming of a hearing aid is only recommended by a professional audiologist. This is because there are many different factors that are involved, which we will discuss here. You wouldn’t wear generic lenses in your frames, right? So why would you use a hearing aid that hasn’t been programmed to your hearing loss needs? […]
In black and white contrast to their bulky and expensive ancestors, modern hearing aids have the capability to work much better due to technology. They’re also a lot sleeker, and pretty much invisible! The last 10 to 15 years have seen many advancements in this arena. Where hearing aids used to be bulky, expensive, and […]
December 27, 2014 | Audiology Services of Chattanooga | Hearing Aids News
Who knew cell phones and smart phones could work in tandem with hearing aids? Cell phones and smart phones, already a huge benefit in their own right in terms of communication in everyday life, are becoming even more helpful in regards to the hearing impaired community. The growing technology of cell and smart phones are […]