For those who have children that are old enough, they probably own at least one of the following – music players, game systems and computers – perhaps even all three. In the event you answered yes, odds are, at some point they are going to want headphones to use with these products. Headphones can increase […]
“Speech bananas” aren’t morning snacks for hearing specialists. What the term “speech banana” represents is a distinct pattern found in the data of an audiogram, which is a graphical chart used to measure an individual’s hearing proficiency within a set range of frequencies and volume levels. In an audiogram, you usually see the frequency (which […]
America’s affinity for guns is almost unique in the world; we were raised with movies and TV about police and cowboys and heroic characters who were all carrying guns and shooting them constantly. Constant encounters with these images is among many reasons that you will find so many present-day American gun owners who very much […]
Acute external otitis or otitis externa is an infection of the outer ear canal – the portion outside your eardrum. Most people know it by its common name – swimmer’s ear. The popular name swimmer’s ear originates from the fact that the problem is commonly linked to swimming. Anytime moisture remains in the outer ear […]
June 20, 2013 | Audiology Services of Chattanooga | Hearing Aids News
“Should I replace or repair a damaged hearing aid?” is among the more frequent questions we are asked. The answer is “Well, that depends.” It is really an individual decision, and the “correct answer” is as individual as the individuals who ask it. For starters, it should be noted that hearing aids – no matter […]
June 13, 2013 | Audiology Services of Chattanooga | Tinnitus Articles
Sound is an integral part of our lives, but like most things, its influence on us depends upon both the quality and quantity of the sounds we hear. For example, for most of us, listening to music we like is calming and restful, but turn the volume of the same music up too loud – […]
For those of you who’ve suffered some type of hearing loss, do you ever find yourself needing to work really hard to understand what is being said to you or around you? This experience of having to work to understand people is common even among people who use hearing aids, because the aids need to […]
May 26, 2013 | Audiology Services of Chattanooga | Hearing Aids News
Patients being fitted for a hearing aid in order to hear better often ask what the hearing aid will do with sounds which are still too loud for them. Thankfully there’s a comforting answer to this specific question. The simple answer is that present-day hearing aids will not increase sounds which are already too loud […]
Understanding the way we hear is the starting point in understanding the numerous reasons for hearing loss and the different forms of hearing loss. We receive sounds through the outer ear, which is not just the section of the ear on the outside of our heads, but also the ear canal and the eardrum. In […]
May 12, 2013 | Audiology Services of Chattanooga | Hearing Aids News
The question of precisely how long hearing aid batteries can be expected to last is not as simple to respond to as it seems, because battery life hinges on numerous factors. How long a battery will last depends on who manufactured the battery, and may even vary across different models from the exact same manufacturer. […]